Election Board Training Materials
Updated 2025 materials
These are the materials you need to lead efficient, organized, and welcoming Polling Places.
The Election Board Guide contains important phone numbers, timelines, and step by step directions for running polling places. This guide will also be inside each division’s Election Box.
The Seminar Presentation is the PowerPoint deck from the Election Board trainings that are held throughout the city before each election.
The Polling Place Station Cards are a new resource for the 2024 elections. They’re intended to help Board Workers organize their Polling Places. For each station there is a list of common tasks, supplies, and procedures.
The Polling Place Check In Procedures: Philadelphia are a quick reference for you to use when you’re checking in voters.
The Electronic Pollbook: Election Board Worker Training Guide walks you through how to use the Electronic Pollbooks for signing in voters and completing your payroll information.
The Elector’s Declaration to Surrender Their Mail Ballot is the form voters must fill out if they surrender their Mail Ballot. The Election Board Guide and the Seminar Presentation have additional information about the procedure.
The How to Vote on the ExpressVote XL video explains how to use the voting machines. It includes inserting the paper ballot, selecting a language, operating the touch screen, casting a write-in vote, spoiling a vote, using the ADA device, and reviewing and casting the final ballot. Machine Inspectors should review this video.