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2023 Primary - Ballots Administratively Determined to Have No Secrecy Envelope, or No Signature, No Date, or a Potentially Incorrect Date on Return Envelope

The Philadelphia Board of Elections has mail-in/absentee ballots from voters that have been administratively determined to lack a signature on the declaration envelope or lack a written date on the declaration envelopes. In addition, the Board has mail-in/absentee ballots from voters who wrote a date that may be considered to be potentially incorrect.

Lists of Philadelphia residents who returned ballots in the above categories are available in PDF or Excel formats here:
No signature: (pdf) or (xlsx)
No date: (pdf) or (xlsx)
Potentially incorrect date: (pdf) or (xlsx)
Not enclosed in a Secrecy Envelope (a.k.a. Naked Ballots): (pdf) or (xlsx)

Lists as of 5/21/2023

All these ballot submissions have the possibility of NOT being counted. It is strongly advised that the voters on these lists request a replacement ballot at the County Board of Elections office in City Hall Room 140 on Saturday or Sunday from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm; Monday, May 15th from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; or on Election Day from 9:00 am – 7:30 pm to avoid the potential rejection of their ballot. Voters unable to travel to the Board’s office due to a disability may authorize a designated agent pick up a replacement ballot and/or return a completed ballot using the Designated Agent Form.

Voters on these lists may instead cast a Provisional Ballot but should only do so if the voter is unable to request a replacement ballot at City Hall prior to the end of Election Day.

Voters can find their polling place at

Posted on: May 13, 2023

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