Create Nomination Papers
It is the responsibility of the Candidate or their circulator to complete the paper(s) in the manner that is required by law.
Papers must be printed double-sided or they will not be accepted.
Create a Nomination Paper by completing the web form below. You will be able to download and print your Nomination Paper at the end of the process for circulating and filing purposes. For campaign finance requirements, visit the Campaign Finance page or contact the County Board of Elections at 215-686-3469.
Complete the required fields below. Review the section detailing how your name will appear on the ballot. Make sure your name appears exactly as you wish it to be on the ballot.Nicknames will not be allowed. When you are satisfied, click the “This is exactly how I wish my name to appear on the ballot” checkbox.
Next, read the linked policy and click the“Candidate is NOT a city employee or candidate is a city employee and is aware of the political activity and resign to run provisions in Article 10 of the City Charter.” checkbox.
Click the “Paper must be printed double-sided or it will not be accepted.”checkbox to signal that you understand that if you do not print double-sided, your paper(s) will not be accepted.
Click the link to download the Instructions for Circulating and Filing Nomination Papers. Please read the instructions carefully. After you have read the instructions, click the box confirming that you have done so.
Instructions for filing and circulating Nomination Papers are available here for Minor Political Party candidates, and here for Political Body candidates.
The unsworn declaration prepared by the Department of State is available here.
A nickname is allowed only if it is a derivative of the legal name or it is how the candidate is known in their community. If the candidate wishes to appear on the ballot with a nickname, a Name Change Affidavit should be completed and submitted. You can download this form here.
Note: The deadline for Democratic and Republican candidates to file nomination petitions for the 2025 Primary has passed, and they are not eligible to file nomination papers.
Notice of Withdrawal
If you wish to withdraw your name as a candidate in the 2025 Primary, please complete and notarize the Candidate Withdrawal form and submit it to the County Board of Elections
Minor Parties in Philadelphia: Libertarian, Green Party, and Working Families Party.