Media Advisory: Voting System Selection Review Ongoing

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No Vote on New Voting Systems at the Philadelphia City Commissioners’ Regularly Scheduled Meeting, Wednesday 2/13/2019


Last fall, the City of Philadelphia (City) issued an Election System Request for Proposals (RFP) and initiated a competitive process for the selection of a vendor or vendors from whom to purchase a new election system. The RFP is a Best Value RFP subject to the requirements of Section 8-200 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter, Chapter 17-1400 of the Philadelphia Code, and the Best Value Regulations promulgated by the Procurement Department.

A selection committee was created to review the RFP responses and to make a recommendation to the City Commissioners. The committee, comprised of a diverse group of individuals from a variety of City departments, including the City Commissioners’ Office, initiated negotiations with multiple applicants as part of its review process.

This week, the selection committee made its recommendations to the Procurement Department for additional negotiations of price and other terms, which is an option available to the selection committee pursuant the Best Value Regulations. Accordingly, the Commissioners’ vote is postponed while these additional negotiations take place.

Full announcement available in PDF format.