Ballot Question No2

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Plain English Statement Re Ballot Question No.2

As Required By Section 201.1 of the Pennsylvania Election Code

Submitted to the Voters By:
Bill No. 140721 (approved June 16, 2015); Resolution No. 140732-A (adopted June 11, 2015)

Ballot Question:

Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to create a new Department of Planning and Development, headed by a Cabinet-level Director, to oversee the City's planning, zoning, development servicesand housing and community development functions; put the Historical Commission in the Charter and create a new Housing Advisory Board; and attach the City Planning Commission, Historical Commission, Art Commission,Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Housing Advisory Boardto the newDepartment?


This proposed amendment to the Home Rule Charter would create a new Department of Planning and Development. The Department would be headed by the Director of Planning and Development who would be a member of the Mayor’s cabinet.

The Department would have three divisions: the Division of Development Services,the Division of Planning and Zoning,and the Division of Housing and Community Development. The Division of Development Serviceswould coordinate among various City and non-City agencies in providing support to development projects. The Division of Planning and Zoningwould provide administrative support to the Planning Commission, the Historical Commission, the Art Commission and the Zoning Board. The Division of Housing and Community Developmentwould be responsible for developing and carrying out the City’s housing and community development programs.

The amendment also would make various changes regarding several City boards and commissions.Two additional members would be added to the Planning Commission -- the Director of Planning and Development and a member appointed by the Mayor.The Historical Commission would be formally included in the Home Rule Charter, and its duties set forth in the Charter. The Director of Planning and Development would replace the Director of Housing as a member of the Historical Commission, and one Mayoral appointment would be eliminated. The Housing Advisory Board would be created, consisting of twelve members (seven designated by various City and non-City agencies and five appointed by the Mayor); the Board would provide advice to the Division of Housing and Community Development regarding housing policy.