2020 General Elections: Location of Sunshine Meeting Moving to Convention Center

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Notice is hereby given that, until further notice, the 11:00 A.M. Wednesday meetings of the Philadelphia City Commissioners, sitting as the County Board of Elections, concerning the 2020 General and Special Elections, has been moved to the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Hall F, at 12th and Arch Streets. Those unable to attend can email public comments to phillyelection@phila.gov with “Public Comment” in the subject line. Emailed comments must be received by the department by 9:45am the day of the scheduled meeting. The public is invited to attend. Attendees must adhere to appropriate social distancing and wear a mask.

Por medio de la presente se notifica que, hasta nuevo aviso, las reuniones del miércoles a las 11:00 A.M. de los Comisionados de la Ciudad de Filadelfia, en calidad de Junta Electoral del Condado, acerca de las Elecciones Generales y Especiales de 2020, se han trasladado al Centro de Convenciones de Pennsylvania, Sala F, en la calle 12 y Arch. Las personas que no pueden estar presentes, podrán enviar sus comentarios públicos por correo electrónico a phillyelection@phila.gov con "Comentario Público" en la línea de asunto. El público está invitado a asistir. Los asistentes deben adherirse a un distanciamiento social apropiado y usar una mascarilla.