The Philadelphia City Commissioners to Provide Additional Pay to Election Board Workers and Provide Funds for Cleaning of Polling Places

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Extra Funds Will Assist in Recruitment of Election Board Workers and Polling Places

Philadelphia, PA – Last Thursday, at their special meeting, the Philadelphia City Commissioners unanimously passed two motions to encourage more people to serve as Election Board workers and more private facilities to become polling places. The first motion provided additional money for Election Board workers, raising the base pay to $200 and the stipend for attending training to $50. Judges of Election will continue to receive an additional $5 for picking up and returning the election materials. The second motion provided for an additional $200 per private polling place to pay for post-election cleaning to mitigate against COVID-19 concerns.

The funding for both was made possible by a $10 million grant from the nonpartisan, nonprofit Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL).

“By increasing the compensation for Election Board workers and polling places, I hope we will be able to open and staff as many of the normal polling places as possible and provide the level of service that the voters of Philadelphia both expect and deserve” said Vice Chair, Al Schmidt who made both motions.

Today is National Poll Worker Recruitment Day. Those interested in serving on an Election Board in Philadelphia on November 3rd can sign up at