Philadelphia City Commissioners Raise Wages for Election Board Officials

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Today, at their first weekly public meeting for the November 6th General Election, the Philadelphia City Commissioners unanimously approved Chairwoman Lisa Deeley’s motion to raise the pay for Election Board workers by $20 a day. This marks the first time in generations that the Judges of Election, Majority and Minority Inspectors of Election, Clerks, Machine Inspectors, and Bilingual Interpreters have received a raise. The additional funds for the raise were appropriated to the City Commissioners in their FY 2019 budget after a vigorous lobbying effort by the Commissioners and help from like-minded members of Council.

Title Old Pay New Pay
Judges of Election $100 $120
Majority and Minority Inspectors $95 $115
Clerks $95 $115
Machine Inspectors $95 $115
Bilingual Interpreters $75 $95