• Live Election Results
    Live Election Results
    Live Election Results

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  • MyVote MyWay
    MyVote MyWay
    Click Here for More Information on the 2022 General Primary Election

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  • Election Board Officials
    Election Board Officials
    This section contains information about the individuals who administer elections at polling locations on Election Day.

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  • Vote by Mail
    Vote by Mail
    You can apply for an Absentee or no-excuse Mail-in ballot and vote from home.

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  • Register to Vote Online
    Register to Vote Online
    You can register to vote through the Pennsylvania Department of State's online application.

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  • New Voting System
    New Voting System
    The Office of the Philadelphia City Commissioners presents the New Voting System.

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  • Voters
    This section contains information about elections, voting, and your elected officials.

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  • Candidates & Campaigns
    Candidates & Campaigns
    This section contains information for individuals seeking elective office.

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  • Resources & Data
    Resources & Data
    This section contains information about the Office of the City Commissioners, election data, and Philadelphia voting districts.

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  • Campaign Finance Reports
    Campaign Finance Reports

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Latest Updates

Monday, July 11, 2016
Attention: International Labor Disruptions Require Additional Preparations for American Voters Overseas If you are a U.S. citizen currently living in a foreign country, labor strikes in the areas of commercial transportation, government service or postal carriers, etc. can directly impact your preparations and readiness for…
Friday, July 08, 2016
Those wishing to work as Machine Inspectors during the upcoming General Election may apply to do so online. The Office of the City Commissioners fills Machine Inspector vacancies when Judges of Election are unable to do so. Machine Inspectors open voting machines at the beginning…
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Complete city-wide results are available here: City-Wide Summary Precinct-level race results are available here: Precinct Detail and Ward/City Summaries